Wondrous Wednesday: The Deck of Many Things, et. al.
So, one of the most (in)famous items of D&D is the deck of many things . Inspired by Tarot cards, Gary Gygax first introduced the deck in Supplement I: Greyhawk in 1975, and it has destroyed or derailed many campaigns since then. At its core, the deck is about powerful random effects. Each card has either a beneficial or detrimental effect, and they take effect immediately when drawn. Over the editions, the effects have varied slightly, but the essence has remained the same. The standard deck consists of: balance : change alignment (2♠) comet : defeat a challenge in solo combat (2♦) donjon : imprisoned (as per the spell) (A♠) euryale : penalty to petrification/all saving throws (Q♠) fates : avoid any situation you choose, once (A♥) flames : gain the enmity of a fiend (Q♣) fool : lose experience points; you must draw again (Joker with trademark) gem : gain valuable gems or jewelry (2♥) idiot : lose Intelligence; you may draw again (2♣) jester : gain experience points or ...